Recently I got a feel of Indian culture and values that is very much rooted in Indian Companies even though they are now global brands. My company whom i am ecmployed with i.e STG (Systems Tasks Group International Ltd) got acquired by Mastek an Indian Offshore outsourcing company and a much bigger and better brand. Around the same time Google acquired a company named Doubleclick.
Announcements after the acquisition:
Mastek- Not a single employee will lose their job.
Google – Expect job cuts
Its been few days after the acquisition and Google has announced that it will lay off 300 at DoubleClick. Well in my company’s case we are still holding our jobs .
Although there are more dynamics involved related to the actual money going in and coming out and many other factors ,its good that Indian companies till now have not fully embraced the hire and fire culture which is common in US culture .
Well nobody’s complaining 🙂